5 Things to consider about attic insulation to prevent mold

Attic mold removal

Attics are one of the common breeding grounds for homes in Indianapolis. Not only are they hot and humid, but they have an abundance of food. Just the perfect conditions for mold to grow and thrive. It doesn’t help that many homeowners rarely venture into the attic. So, the moisture problem persists and mold spores have ample time to grow undisturbed for months or even years. People stumble on mold right before they sell or rent their homes which forces them to contact seek attic mold removal experts.  In this blog post, we look at signs of attic mold and how you can maintain your attic insulation to deter mold growth.


Sign of attic mold problems


Whenever mold infests a home, and specifically the attic, it won’t take long for mold signs to become visible. Regular inspections can help you uncover attic mold and prevent attic mold panic. Keep an eye out for these tell-tale signs of attic mold.


Dark black stains on wood: Any black discoloration in your attic mold is an obvious sign of mold in the attic. At this stage, the problem has likely moved beyond moisture and you have serious mold that needs to be removed.


Hot or stuffy attic: Well-ventilated attics are naturally breezy.  Stuffiness is a sign of improper ventilation, which can lead to a heavy mold presence in the attic and poor indoor air quality.

Frost buildup beneath the roof sheathing in cold weather: When temperatures drop in winter months, the warm air in the poorly ventilated attic can freeze on the underside of the roof.


Wet attic insulation: Not only does wetness set the stage for attic mold problems, but it also diminishes the ability of your insulation to keep your home cool or warm. You may find yourself spending more on heating or cooling.


Water dripping from bath fans, smoke detectors, and lighting fixtures:  All are indications that the floor (or attic) has unusually high levels of moisture that need to be controlled. Otherwise, the water vapor can lead to a mold issue.


Musty, pungent smell in the attic — Mold usually produces an awful smell. Musty or moldy smells in your attic are an indication of mold and moist air is the culprit.


If you notice one or more of the above signs as you go high up in your home, chances are high mold is already present. Contact your local mold remediation company to perform a home inspection. They will check the attic and other mold areas before it is removed completely.


What causes attic mold?

Mold remediation experts generally agree that moist air is behind most mold problems. You can almost always have any mold problem due to moisture. Here are three common factors that contribute to attic mold:


Roof Leaks

Small roof leaks can cause mold growth in a localized area of the attic, where the leak is. Check for signs of wood staining or discoloration along joists, fascia boards, rafters, sheathing. Don’t forget the roof valleys, where roofs join at an angle as they are prone to roof leaks. Keep an eye on attic windows, plumbing stacks, vents, and chimneys as well as sections of the roof or attic with dissimilar materials.

Blocked or Insufficient Ventilation

Another common cause of attic mold is inadequate or blocked attic ventilation. Attics use passive ventilation systems, where outside air flows in through the soffit vents at the bottoms, warms up in the attic, and hot air rises and flows out via the ridge vents at the top.  Proper attic ventilation creates a soothing, breezy airflow.

Some people block the vents with insulation, thereby damaging the passive ventilation system. What this does is cause warm and humid air in the attic to stagnate. The moist air will condense on wood sheathing in winter months as it has nowhere to go, leading to damp wood and mold growth.

Mold also grows in attics with insufficient vents. Check what the local codes say concerning venting your home. One square foot of venting is usually required for 100 square feet of attic space.


Poor Exhausting of Bathroom Fans/Dryer Vents

Kitchen or bathroom exhaust fans and dryer exhaust vents are supposed to eject moisture from your home. It is crucial that they terminate outside your home and not up in the attic. Pay attention to plumbing stacks as they can lead to condensation, which contributes to attic mold growth. Ensure they terminate outside and not inside the attic as well.


Ways to Eliminate Attic Mold Problem

Given that mold in attics is a widespread issue, the problem has to be addressed quickly and effectively. You will have to remove the wet insulation, repair the roof leak, fix a leaky pipe, remove excessive moisture to prevent wood rot. Painting wood surfaces and sealing crawl spaces with a vapor barrier also helps prevent mold growth. It’s unlikely you will have to replace the entire roof, maybe the damaged attic sheathing.

Using proper insulation, air sealing and moisture control can also help prevent moisture problems that lead to airborne spores.  Mold Removal Indianapolis has an elaborate mold remediation process that ensures mold never recurs. We follow industry guidelines when removing attic mold. We use powerful chemical agents to eliminate mold then apply antifungal sealers that stop mold from growing back. Our solutions are effective and affordable.


Is Attic Mold Common in Indianapolis?

If you are experiencing attic mold, know that you are not alone. Attic mold infestation is a widespread issue and most homeowners within the city’s neighborhoods have to deal with it every year.  Poor or improper ventilation is often the main culprit. While many homes have sufficient vents, they are often blocked by insulation or building materials. Attic mold often occurs due to moisture issues. If your attic has proper ventilation and no moisture intrusion, you won’t see attic mold growing.

Inspect your home for water intrusion especially roof leaks that can dampen your insulation and cause wood discoloration. Ensure the attic has proper ventilation, especially in winter as moisture levels tend to be high due to rising warm air. Pay attention to the ventilation as it controls the temperature and moisture situation in the attic. Insulating the attic floor can help minimize air transfer from your living area to the attic space.



Have Mold Growth in Attic Space? Contact Mold Removal Expert for Attic Mold Removal

Venturing into a mold-infested attic is a bad idea. Not only are attic remediation jobs complex, but there’s a chance someone with no experience might do the job improperly and expose themselves to mold spores. Trying to resolve the moisture problem without addressing the mold problem, won’t help the situation. Sooner or later you are going to have to hire a mold removal expert.

When you hire Mold Removal Indianapolis, you know you are working with mold removal experts who know the correct way of resolving recurring mold issues. We are a Certified Mold Remediation company that’s been servicing the residents and business community in Indianapolis for many years. We will inspect the attic and tell you whether a leaking roof or blocked soffit vents are behind your mold problems. Our mold experts will remove mold and advise you on the next steps to keep the attic dry. Call (317) 648-9352 for a free estimate.





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